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Home » Like Mother, Like Daughter? Female Genital Cutting in Minia, Egypt

Like Mother, Like Daughter? Female Genital Cutting in Minia, Egypt


    Mother, Like Daughter?

    Female Genital Cutting in Minia, Egypt


    Kathryn M. Yount, Emory University


    Kathryn M. Yount is a social demographer and Assistant Professor

    in the Departments of International Health and Sociology and has

    an affiliated appointment with the Institute of Women’s Studies

    at Emory University.



    that 97 percent of ever-married Egyptian women were circumcised

    in 1995 fueled interest to understand the levels, determinants,

    and consequences of this practice. Qualitative data suggest that

    ideologies of femininity, pressure to conform to behaviors characterizing

    womanhood, and constraints to other opportunities perpetuate women’s

    support for female genital cutting in Minia, Egypt. While the

    practice remains prevalent in Minia, age-specific probabilities

    of genital cutting are lower among daughters than mothers and

    among younger than older daughters. A mother’s education is negatively

    associated with, and her circumcision status positively associated

    with, her intent and decision to circumcise a daughter. Increasing

    reliance on doctors to perform the procedure is positively associated

    with urban residence and father’s education, indicating a need

    to understand local meanings of modernity. Overall, increasing

    girls’ access to higher education may contribute to further declines

    in female genital cutting in this setting.