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Home » PANOS Sudan


    Panos – Sudan

    P. O. Box: 8376, Khartoum, Sudan.

    Tel: (249-11) 482982

    Email: [email protected]

    Contact Person: Manal Ali Bashir, General Program manger.


    Mutawinat, Gender center, for research &training, Salmmah,

    Teeba Press.

    Panos is a member on the advisory committee of the Sudanese FGM

    network in Sudan. Continuously, Panos is involved in providing

    technical support to the network.

    Current FGC Research

    Our FGC plan is to start with an impact assessment study to assess

    the feasibility of the FGM previous implementation strategy and

    to identify effective means of FGM strategy to abolish the practice.

    The result of this study will be implemented by Panos-Sudan.

    Our organization started with investigating research to study

    the phenomenon of violence against women (VAW) in general and

    to identify the different types of VAW experienced by women on

    the objective to clarify the concept from a Sudanese perspective

    so as to identify suitable strategies for combating the VAW in

    Sudan. The research and the pilot survey are available.

    An Overview of PANOS’ Involvement

    in Sudan

    What is Panos Globally?

    Panos works towards stimulating informed debate and discussion

    on development issues both at country and regional levels. Panos

    aims to raise awareness on neglected and poorly understood issues

    and works towards providing marginalized sectors of society with

    the means of communication for providing their own agenda. Panos

    supports journalists in their reporting on development issues with

    focus on pastrolism, gender, the environment, health, media, conflict

    and other development concerns.

    What is Panos Sudan?

    (The project started in Feb 2002 as pilot project for one year)

    PANOS Sudan started as a pilot project of Panos Ethiopia, which

    is a country office of Panos Eastern Africa, based in Kampala Uganda?

    Panos Eastern Africa is regional center working under Panos London.

    Panos eastern Africa works in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan Uganda,

    Somalia and Tanzania. Panos Sudan now expand to be as country office

    under Kampala office.

    Activities of PANOS Sudan.

    • VAW Project

      Coordinating the implementation of the pilot project aiming

      to end violence against women in Sudan through advocacy activities

      such as;

      -Commissioning monitoring activity to identify the violent cases

      at the level of courts, prisons and awaiting harassed.

      -Conducting a survey identify types, forms, incidence of VAW

      experienced by women in Sudan and also knowing the effective

      methodology in dealing with this phenomena, since, as a concept

      it is still not yet clear from a Sudanese prespective putting

      the fact that it is imported and the dealing with it is internationally

      even new.

      -Commissioning research to clarify the concept of VAW in the

      Sudanese context and to identify the trends and perceptions

      of VAW by the Sudanese women themselves ending up with strategies

      to combat the phenomenon.

    • Gender Advocacy

      Awareness raising on gender and violence targeting law

      enforcement and media agencies.

      – Publishing a Gender page with Al Ayam Newspaper targeting

      the public at large and aiming to stimulate public debate on

      gender issues.

    • How do we work?

      Through partnership with the relevant concerned organizations

      as Mutawinat, Gender Center, salmmah and Teeba press (media


    What we have experienced so far

    To achieve an easy result for any development, we have to involve

    the media who could easily disseminate and owned the outcome of

    any activity if they internalized the objectives and means. In addition

    to this, the fact that the peace process is ongoing aiming to have

    a sustainable peace building for the whole community in Sudan expecting

    that after the peace achieved, lots of awareness and capacity building

    programs is needed. And this can not be achieved without the involvement

    of the media who’s interns require to be competent. To achieve such

    purpose the media, specially print media, has to build its training

    capacity so as to fulfill the peace building period requirements.

    At this point Panos Sudan would like to intervene .To do so we have

    to start relying on the journalists themselves to identify and assess

    their training needs referring to what has been identified by Panos

    so far such as;

    · Information collection and analyses of the information

    · Documentation and documentaries

    · Reporting

    · Other additional topics could be identified

    Prepared by, Manal Ali Bashir, General Program Manager


    On the purpose of the Journalists Assessment Training workshop